1993-Jan.1,1997 Sonic Stories, created by Bernadette 'Binx' Jensen All stories are listed, except: AS OF JANUARY 10, 1997 ALL STORIES HAVE BEEN RETYPED AND ARE INCLUDED IN THIS ZIP FILE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Summary of Stories are being created, although stories above will be top priority. Special thanks to: Sega and all that jazz Friends and Family on whom some characters where based Myself :) Date Started: October 31, 1993 Date of last completed story: January 1, 1997 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bernadette 'Binx' Jensen Age: 15 Birthdate: July 13, 1981 Location: Warminster, Pennsylvania Age Sonictized: 12 Siblings: Daniel, 20 Chris, 26 Parents: Chris and Albina Jensen Hobbies/Sports: Former gymnast, loves drawing the blue hero! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ List of beginning characters and relations: Sonic the Hedgehog: just broke up with ex girlfriend Tibby, used to be with Binx Tails Prowler: little baby, approx. 5yrs old A.N.T (Automatic Naturalist Technician): FF computer for storage and data Binx 'Rika' Rikan: old girlfriend of Sonic Rotor Walrus: mechanic and inventor Princess Sally Acorn: !dead! (don't worry, not like Archie, she does come back) Herbie K. Roy: Binx's friend, female Shanny S. Jefferson: Binx's friend, female Benny W. Bee: Binx's friend, female Harry J. LaGuardia: Binx's friend, female Robotnik: Bad dude Clucky: Robotnik's helper (exact Snively, reason for no name change unknown) The above are in first story, if I missed any, pardon me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Binx Jensen, 1997 ^ ^ <=':'=> "Since when do cats say Emow?" < O > "Since now!" <=';~=> ||| "Since can cats type?" ~~ ~~ "Well, aren't we just full of QUESTIONS?!" E-mail: chrisj@voicenet.com mIRC NickName: Snowkat mIRC Location: #newbies on EfNet (NewNet)--helper ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Annoucements: WWW: We Want Webpage!! Yes, Binx is finally trying to get a webpage together, yet sadly she knows nothing about starting a webpage! If you want to help, e-mail her with the Subject: Binx's Webpage! Where is she going with this? Where am I going with the Sonic the Hedgehog series...only I know. Actually, I know very little about what the last story will be like, or even when it will be completed! After reading the Sonic: Confusion Strikes Trilogy, if you have any idea where these stories can go from here, e-mail me with Subject: Binx's Sonic Stories Future! Save Our Sailors! Jesus! Save Sailor Moon from Ultimate US Doomsday! Sign every petition you can! The fight is not over, and will never be! If you want a complete list of links of SM Pages, e-mail Binx with Subject: Binx's Sailor Moon Help! The Sonic Experience: Volume 1 is done!! The Sonic Experience? What the heck is that? It is a 2 hr cassette tape filled with the songs I listen to during writing the Sonic Stories, and my inspiration for some stories. Featuring artists like Soundgarden and Nine Inch Nails it is the bomb! Because of copyright and legal stuff, I can only send you a list of songs, so if you have the songs you can listen while reading, if you can do those at the same time! E-mail me with Subject: Binx's The Sonic Experience: Volume 1! Fine 'Sonic' Artist! If you have 'Fine Artist', you're in luck! This extremely advanced art program is the only thing you need to create the best Sonic pics in the world! I, in fact, have two there. But I have stopped, because sadly, those files cannot be converted in any way (that I know of yet). So if you have 'Fine Artist', and want to see a couple alright pics, e-mail me with the Subject: Binx's Fine Artist!